Super Foam Auto

Super Foam Auto
Detergente in schiuma che rimuove efficacemente gli insetti su parabrezza e vernice dei veicoli. Ottimo anche per la pulizia di tutti gli interni, anche per macchie e sporco sulla tappezzeria.
Unique foam cleaner. Cleans windows on vehicle, spoilers and other hard surfaces from insects, grease, nicotine, soot, salt, dirt etc. Very easy to work with – easy to wipe dry and leaves a completely clean surface without rainbow effect. Great for cleaning on soft materials such as car covers, ceilings etc. Leave a pleasant scent. Multifunctional and replaces many other products used for cleaning vehicles. Superb on plastic, glass, textiles and leather and other surfaces in vehicles. Does not run off on vertical surfaces. Long-lasting, requires only a thin film. Effectively removes nicotine smell and gives a fresh scent. Safe on most materials. Green World and NSF (A1) listed. Reviewed by Byggvarubedömningen, BASTA and Sunda Hus.