Cleaner Plus

Cleaner Plus
Čistilo za plastiko. Odlično čistilo za plastiko in plastične delce. Pusti popolno površino pred lepljenjem in popravili s pomočjo Quick Bond. Odlično za številne druge vrste trdnih površin. Olajša in odstrani najmočnejšo umazanijo. Pusti površino brez meglice na steklenih površinah in vizirjih.
Excellent cleaner for different hard surfaces. Facilitates and solves severe soiling. Provides a fog-free glass-surfaces and visors. Fast and easy to work with Micro Max. Plastic Cleaner An excellent cleaner for plastic and plastic details. Gives a perfect surface prior to gluing and repairs using Quick Bond or Plastix. Excellent for many other types of hard surface. Eases and removes the toughest grime and dirt. Gives a mist-free surface on glass surfaces and visors. Cleaner Plus carries the Green World symbol. Is quick and easy to use, especially when applied with Micro Max.