Sil Lube

Sil Lube
Prosojno zaščitno mazivo 100% silikon zagotavlja zaščitni premaz za elektronsko opremo z dolgoročnim učinkom. Osveži gumijaste in plastične detajle in preprečuje krhkost. Maže in daje odlično drsno površino za večino materialov.
Transparent protective lubricant. 100% Silicone provides a protective coating for electronic equipment with a long-term effect. Freshens up rubber and plastic detail and prevents brittleness. Lubricates and gives an excellent sliding surface for most materials like metal, rubber, wood, leather, synthetics, vinyl, textiles and painted surfaces. Provides waterproofing. Completely water-repellent and prevents freezing. Temperature range -50ºC to +200ºC. Has an antistatic effect and does not attract dust. Perfect for protecting fuses, circuit boards, switches, etc. from oxidation. Sil-Lube is the ideal lubrication between different materials. For instance metal/plastic. Eliminates squeaking noise. 100% Silicone provides a long-lasting and repellent coating on electronics. Lubricates and gives an excellent sliding surface on metal, rubber, wood, leather, synthetic materials, vinyl, textiles and painted surfaces. Has an impregnating effect. Temperature range -50C to +200C. Antistatic effect and does not attract dust. Perfect for protecting fuses, circuit boards, contacts etc. form