Kupujte kvalitetne proizvode za popravke i održavanja! Uđite i pogledajte što sve imamo u trgovini!
Kupujte kvalitetne proizvode za popravke i održavanja! Uđite i pogledajte što sve imamo u trgovini!
Sve veći broj kompanija želi zamijeniti svoje opasne kemijske proizvode. Mi možemo pomoći!
Zalijepite vjetrobransko staklo na siguran i zdrav način bez izocijanata – Screen Bond je naše rješenje da učinite svoje radno mjesto zelenijim!
VEIDEC je uključen u švedske i svjetske moto-sportove od 1993. Ali zašto? Pročitajte više o razlozima zašto je VEIDEC izabrao moto-sportove te kako ih je učinio zelenijim!
Kaj Eriksson, vehicle engineer, says: "Flex Lube Extreme and Rust Lube are outstanding. A plus for Flex Lube is its food classification, the highest of H1, which means it can be used on truck chains within the production process."
Ulf Åhman (38 years of experience in the business) has worked with products from VEIDEC for many years. He recommends Ceramic Lube as good for preventive maintenance.
Olle Ryd at Hobby Fritid AB says, "VEIDEC products can be trusted".
The favorite product of Markus Tadåker is Total Clean. He says that VEIDEC has quality products with great environmental thinking behind.
Erik Backström has worked with VEIDEC products for more than 20 years. He advocates the VEIDEC GREEN WORLD line of products for servicing his clients Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Porsches.
"Fantastic products with a high quality and are gentle on the user and environment, too. Delivery is always on time and we are super happy with the great service and the awesome products," says Benno Bjelksätter from LVS Byggvärme.
Olle Ryd på Hobby Fritid AB säger att "VEIDEC produkterna kan man lita på".
Markus Tadåkers favoritprodukt är Total Clean. Han säger att VEIDEC har kvalitetsprodukter med bra miljötänk
Are you ready to change your life and change the world for the better at the same time? VEIDEC might be the opportunity you are looking for! We will offer you an exciting and dynamic workplace where the care for our customers are at focus. When we improve for our customers, we improve the world – if you like what you hear, just click on the button and read more!