Are you working with Chemical shift to safer products with superb function? Then immediately switch to Easy Off! It dissolves and softens remnants of adhesives very effectively from hard surfaces. Tests have also shown that it removes odd substances such as resins from trees and residues of ice hockey puck from hockey rinks. Normal adhesive removers are usually bad for the user and the environment. Easy Off is made from renewable substances, is biodegradable and Green World-rated with very low Eco toxicity. About 80% is broken down within 28 days (OECD 301C). Perfect for replacing traditional solvents with hydrocarbons and other solvents.
Výrobok FLEX LUBE X-TREME bol uvedený na trh. Má rovnaký penivý účinok a priľnavosť pri aplikácii. Len malé zmeny dávajú aktualizovanému výrobku hodnotenie GREEN WORLD a tiež NSF H1.
Micro Kitchen is the ideal cloth for use in kitchen environments together with Super Foam Kitchen. It has excellent absorption properties and dries quickly to prevent bacterial growth and smell. Comes in the perfect size, 25x25cm, with reinforced edges. Very durable and long lasting.
Naše výrobky vyrábame ekologickejšie! Staré plastové vrchnáky sa vymenia za nové menšie, a tým sa o 30 % minimalizuje používanie plastov. Ako bonus navyše znížime aj náklady na dopravu a recykláciu.
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