Mixer Tip

Mixer Tips
Safe mixtures with minimal spillage.
Mixer tips for Anchor Pro Plus. Sold in 10-pack, the price is given per piece. Mixer tips for Anchor Pro Plus. Mixer tips for CA Green 2K. Sold in 10-pack, the price is given per piece. Mixer tips for S-Bond 2K. Sold in 10-pack, the price is given per piece. Mixertips (for S-Bond 2K, 10pcs/pack) Mixer tips for 50ml cartridges, Quick Bond 90, 210 and Flex and Power Mix. Sold in 10-pack, the price is given per piece. 10-pack 100-pack Mixer tips for 220 ml cartridges, Quick Bond 90, 210 and Flex and Power Mix. Sold in 10-pack, the price is given per piece. Mixer tips 220 ml for Plastix. 10 pcs/pack.